
Dennis på nedtur

Afrejsen I - Departure I New Caledonien
Afrejsen II - Departure II

Vanuatu - Australien

Afrejsen III -Departure III

Australien - Cocos Keeling

Esbjerg - Lisboa

Cocos Keeling

England - Gibraltar


Cap Verde -  Tobago

South Africa 1

Trinidad - Panama

South Africa 2

Marquessas - Bora Bora

South Africa 3


South Africa 4

New Zealand 1

South America 1

New Zealand 2


New Zealand 3

Hjemkomst til Danmark

New Zealand 4

Video from Panama (6 min/56K)

New Zealand 5

Video from Panama (Download)

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WARNING!   Many of the pictures shown here will be deleted after some time because they are putting stress to our server.


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